Feedback and review

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There are mechanisms and contacts below which provide oversight of our enforcement activity.

The courts

The criminal and civil remedies accessible to the Director under administered legislation and in particular, the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012  (ACLFTA), are available only from the courts and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. In addition, many of the investigative tools available to our staff, such as search warrants, are accessible only by court order.

For a full list of courts and contact details, visit the Victorian Courts and Tribunals page on the Courts Services Victoria website.

The Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria

Section 178 of the ACLFTA provides that we must maintain a register of the exercise of powers of entry under that part.

Section 179 of the ACLFTA provides that a person may complain to the Director about the exercise of a power by an inspector under Part 6.4. The Director must investigate any complaints made and provide a written report to the complainant on the results of the investigation.

You can submit feedback to us by:

  • filling out our online feedback form
  • emailing Please type 'Feedback' in your subject line
  • calling 1800 00 81 94
  • post to:
Customer Feedback
Consumer Affairs Victoria
PO Box 123
Melbourne 3001

Secretary, Department of Justice and Community Safety

Section 313 of the ACLFTA provides that a person may complain to the Secretary of the Department of Justice and Community Safety about the exercise of a power by the Director under Part 6.2, Division 3 (licence suspension).

You can contact the Secretary via:


GPO Box 4356

Melbourne VIC 3000


(03) 8684 0000

1300 365 111 (Regional)

Victorian Ombudsman

The Victorian Ombudsman has the power to investigate complaints about State and local government authorities.

You can contact the Ombudsman via:


Level 2

570 Bourke Street

Melbourne VIC 3000


1800 806 314


Other agencies

Certain compliance and enforcement activities and decisions are subject to review and comment by a range of other bodies such as the Privacy Commissioner or Civic Compliance Victoria.