What can patriotic funds be used for?

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Patriotic funds are used to provide welfare for:

  • needy ex-service veterans 
  • needy serving members of Australia’s military and peacekeeping forces 
  • their dependants and dependants of deceased veterans.

Patriotic funds can also pay for building or maintaining club or meeting rooms used by veterans, serving members and/or their dependants.

It is an offence for trustees to deal with patriotic fund assets (including money) in a way other than consistent with the purposes of the fund. Trustees must: 

  • be satisfied that use of the fund, or part of it, would accomplish the purposes for which the fund was established 
  • exercise discretion diligently, in good faith, having regard to all relevant information reasonably available 
  • be satisfied each use of funds is in keeping with the fund’s objectives and the Veterans Act 2005.