Product caused damage to other property

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Consumers can seek compensation from the store or manufacturer when a faulty product causes damage to other property belonging to them. This is particularly the case if the defect means the store or manufacturer failed to comply with a consumer guarantee.

The loss or damage must have been reasonably foreseeable and not caused by something outside human control, such as a natural disaster.

Anyone (not only the consumer) can seek compensation for loss or damage if they or their property were injured by safety defects in a product.

A consumer can apply to the business directly for damages or compensation. If the business refuses to pay or to reach an agreement to settle a dispute, the consumer can take their claim to formal dispute resolution services or take legal action.

Putting a value on loss or damage

It can be hard to put a dollar figure on loss or damage. Compensation should put the consumer in the position they would have been in if the product had met the consumer guarantees.


If you are having a dispute with the store or seller about a problem with a product, view Resolve your problem or complaint.