Issues paper 3: Sale of land and business

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This paper examines issues regarding: 

  • the Sale of Land Act 1962, which governs the sale of land in Victoria
  • the small business statement contained in the Estate Agents Act 1980

This paper is divided into six parts, covering:

  1. the sale of land process
  2. buying property off the plan
  3. terms contracts and other specialised sale of land contracts
  4. sale of land and business protections within the Estate Agents Act
  5. modernisation of the Sale of Land Act
  6. dispute resolution, offences and remedies. 

Throughout the paper, issues have been raised for consideration and comment. Many have been highlighted by stakeholders during preliminary consultation for the Consumer property law review.

The issues paper does not provide data or evidence to substantiate the issues raised; its purpose is to draw out evidence and commentary from stakeholders about the nature of issues and extent of any problems.

Feedback on this issues paper will inform the development of an options paper on potential legislative changes. Submissions on the options paper will inform the government in determining final legislative reforms.

Consultation closed

Public consultation on this issues paper closed on 13 May 2016.

If you have any queries, please email


The following public submissions were made:

Download the issues paper