Business Licensing Authority

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Who we are

Victoria's Business Licensing Authority (BLA) provides licences to businesses that need one to operate lawfully.

In performing our role, we balance the interests of business, consumers and the public.

The BLA and Consumer Affairs Victoria share office space and work together closely.

The BLA is an independent regulator within the Victorian Government's Consumer Affairs portfolio, operating under the Business Licensing Authority Act 1998 (the Act).

Licensing and regulation information for the sectors regulated by the BLA can be accessed via the following links:

The Act requires that the Governor in Council appoints BLA members, who must be legal practitioners with at least five years experience.

The BLA Registrar and staff from the Licensing branch of Consumer Affairs Victoria also support the BLA’s work.

The legislation governing the BLA does not require an annual report to be produced.

What we do

Each member of the BLA makes decisions about licence and registration applications. The Chairperson directs our operations and is accountable for the BLA’s performance.

It is our job to ensure applications are dealt with fairly, efficiently and legally. We must balance minimising the regulatory burden against consumer protection issues.

We make our decisions based on information collected from the applicant, other statutory agencies and our own inquiries. We don’t hold formal hearings or hear oral evidence.

On a day-to-day basis we:

  • determine licence-related applications for relevant occupations and businesses
  • provide accessible and transparent information about licensing and registration criteria and procedures
  • maintain accessible public registers of all registrants and licensees
  • impose and review conditions and restrictions on new and existing licensees and registrants as appropriate
  • refer matters to the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria or Victoria Police for investigation.

The Registrar:

  • maintains our public registers
  • manages our compliance with Freedom of Information and privacy legislation
  • manages appeals against our decisions.

Values and principles

We operate according to the principles of the:

  • Public Administration Act 2004
  • Council of Australian Government's principles of best practice regulation

Better business regulation principles in the Victorian Guide to Regulation, covering:

  • accountability
  • transparency
  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • fairness.

Compliance and enforcement

The two agencies responsible for compliance and enforcement in relation to business licensing and registration are:

Consumer Affairs Victoria:

  • provides information about applicants to us
  • monitors compliance and carries out investigations and enforcement
  • engages and educates licensees and registrants.
  • provides criminal record checks and detailed reports to us

Victoria Police:

  • investigates and enforces the law against illegal sex work service providers


The jurisdiction of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) is to:

  • hear appeals about our decisions
  • hear disciplinary proceedings initiated by Consumer Affairs Victoria or Victoria Police against licensees and registrants.

Statement of Expectations 

The Victorian Government's expectations of the BLA as a regulator are outlined in its current Statement of expectations Business Licensing Authority 2023-24

For previous Statements of Expectations prior to June 2023, see Statement of expectations.


Contact us


1300 13 54 52. Calling this number costs the same as a local call. Additional charges may apply if you are calling from overseas, on a mobile or payphone.

International callers

+61 3 8684 0741

Interpreter service

131 450

Interpreter services are available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). For advice and information in languages other than English, call 131 450 and say the English name of your language. Then ask the interpreter to call 1300 13 54 52.

Business hours

9am to 5pm
Monday to Friday
(except public holidays)


03 8684 0600


To email the BLA, complete and lodge the BLA enquiry form.


Business Licensing Authority

GPO Box 322
Melbourne VIC 3001

Information and privacy

View Information and privacy - Business Licensing Authority.