Northside Motor Wholesale Pty Ltd and Philip Michael Tulloch - Court action

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9 November 2012
Court actions

Melbourne Magistrates’ Court has imposed civil injunctions on motor car trader Northside Motor Wholesale Pty Ltd and Philip Michael Tulloch for failing to comply with conditions on the company’s motor car traders licence.

The final injunctions restrain the company, Mr Tulloch and their officers, employees and agents from:

  • operating as a motor car trader other than in accordance with any restrictions on the company’s licence
  • advertising or offering to sell, transfer, exchange or dispose of any motor car to anyone who is not a licensed motor car trader
  • accepting payment for the sale of a motor car from anyone other than a licensed motor car trader.

The injunction against Northside Motor Wholesale Pty Ltd applied until it is granted a licence authorising it to sell or advertise cars directly to the public. They also apply to Mr Tulloch in his capacity as a director of the company.

In respect of the injunctions against Mr Tulloch, individually, these will continue to apply until such time as he is granted a motor car traders licence.
