Showing articles tagged with 'Housing and accommodation'
A Footscray real estate agent‘s licence has been suspended for two months after he contravened the Estate Agents Act 1980 by underquoting on four properties.
St Albans conveyancer Anh Ngoc Nguyen has been fined $2500 and had his provisional conveyancer’s licence suspended for a year over trust account irregularities.
The Supreme Court has ordered landlords Frank and Sandra Cassar and their company, Betta Housing Pty Ltd, to pay $6000 compensation to seven former tenants.
Real estate agent Rodney Broadbent has been reprimanded and had his licence suspended for 12 months.
Footscray conveyancer Helen Kevin has had her business shut down and risks jail if she breaches a Supreme Court order banning her from doing conveyancing work, after failing to pay or deliver up $2.2 million in client funds.
Melbourne Magistrate’s Court has ordered that the Box Hill business be restrained from operating as an estate agent until licensed to do so.
Consumer Affairs Victoria has succeeded in Supreme Court action against landlord Frank Cassar, over multiple breaches of residential tenancy laws and to protect residents who allege they have been subjected to threatening and intimidating behaviour.
Melbourne Magistrates’ Court has imposed injunctions on two men who accepted $21,190 in payments for fencing and building work that was never carried out.
The Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria has issued a Public Warning notice to consumers about the business practices of Ms Marina Dankovic (also known as Marina Dawson and Marina Loprese), trading, among other names, as Marina’s Conveyancing.
Noble Park real estate agent David Mao has had his licence suspended for three months over a deficiency of between $5000 and $26,000 of clients’ money paid into his estate agents trust account.
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