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Incorporated association's details

Registration number: A0097996T
Registration status: Registered
Date registered: 22 December 2016
Date deregistered: -
Members: 13
Date of incorporated association name change: 15 January 2019
Date of last AGM: 26 July 2023


(1) DCSS Australia is established to be a charity whose purpose is to advance social or public welfare by providing:
(a) a free service to assist people experiencing acute financial hardship, homelessness, mental or intellectual disability, disorder or illness, drug or alcohol addiction, or family violence (“hardship”) by sponsoring them to participate in the Work Development Permit Scheme (VIC) and Work Development Order Program (NSW) and;

(b) support and assistance to people experiencing hardship to enable them to access resources, skill training programs and volunteering opportunities in order to develop new skills and work off their fine debts as issued by the Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation and / or the NSW Revenue Department.
The Work Development Permit Scheme (VIC) and Work Development Order Program (NSW) are programs that enable people experiencing hardship with limited capacity to pay their fine debt to work off the debt by participating in prescribed activities and treatment.

These programs require any participant to be supervised by a sponsor, and DCSS Australia is accredited by both Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation and the NSW Revenue Department to supervise participants.

Financial information

Tier: Tier 1
Ongoing financial year end date: 30 December
Last annual statement lodged: 10 December 2021

Please note: From 1 July 2018, if a Victorian Incorporated Association is also registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), they are exempt from lodging annual statements to Consumer Affairs Victoria.

If you are unsure if this Incorporated Association reports to the ACNC, or wish to see the financial information of a registered charity, please refer to the ACNC website.


Type of rules: Model Rules
Date of special resolution where rule changes occurred: 26 June 2019


Date current secretary appointed: 01 January 2022

Purchase an extract

Purchase an extract to obtain the following information for this association:

  • Current and previous secretary's name
  • Association's registered address and previous addresses
  • Association's previous names

The extract fee for this association is: $32.70

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