Checklists for SDA providers

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The information on this page applies to SDA providers. If you are a resident, view Checklist for residents.

If your SDA has been re-gazetted by the DHHS, the rules and duties set out in the Disability Act 2006 still apply to existing residential statements.

For more information, see Re-gazettal of SDA on Obligations of SDA providers - what you need to do.

What you need to do

Step 1: Make sure your specialist disability accommodation (SDA):

  • is registered as an ‘SDA enrolled dwelling’
  • meets the NDIS requirements. Visit NDIS.

Step 2: Give the resident one of the following agreements:

Note: The SDA residency agreement is designed for SDA providers and residents. Using this agreement will provide more clarity for you and your SDA resident about your rights and obligations.

Step 3: Give the resident the matching information statement:

Note: You must give the resident and their support person the agreement and information statement at least seven days before entering into or establishing the agreement. If you don’t, they may be able to end the agreement.

Step 4: Explain the information statement to the resident and/or their support person in a way they can easily understand - either verbally or in writing, depending on which they prefer.

Note: If the resident does not have a support person and their disability prevents them from understanding the information, you must appoint a support person for them. This person cannot work for you or be connected to your organisation.

Step 5: Enter into or establish the agreement seven days after you gave the resident and their support person the agreement and information statement. You must use the agreements found on our website. For more information, view Starting an agreement with an SDA resident.

Step 6: Notify us within 14 days of entering into or establishing an SDA residency agreement. Use the Add a new SDA residency agreement online form.

Things to remember:

Give the resident and their support person (if any) the agreement and information statement at least seven days before entering into or establishing the agreement.

Only use the SDA residency agreement or the Residential rental agreements available from our website.

Explain the information statement in a way the resident can easily understand.

Give the resident a copy of the agreement before they move in.

Do not ask for rent to be paid more than 30 days in advance in a SDA residency agreement.

Offer residents a cost-free method of paying the rent.

Do not ask for a bond in a SDA residency agreement.

Allow potential residents to inspect the SDA without charge.

Notify us each time you enter into or establish an SDA residency agreement.

Tell the resident and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) if your property is no longer an SDA enrolled dwelling, or if your registration with the NDIS has been revoked.