Options paper 2: Sale of land and business

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This options paper responds to submissions received on Issues Paper 3: Sale of Land and Business, released during 2016 as part of the Consumer Property Law Review.

This paper presents options for consideration in the following areas:

  • pre-sale disclosure
  • offences relating to misleading and deceptive conduct across the Sale of Land Act 1962 and Estate Agents Act 1980
  • auctions of land
  • regulating the content of contracts of sale, including general and special conditions, and the role of estate agents in relation to these contracts
  • early release of deposits
  • off-the-plan sales
  • terms contracts and rent-to-buy arrangements
  • land banking
  • small business statements and other protections in the Estate Agents Act
  • modernisation of the Sale of Land Act
  • dispute resolution
  • offences and remedies.

Feedback on this options paper will inform the government in determining final legislative reforms. 

Consultation closed

Public consultation on this options paper closed on 28 April 2017.

If you have any queries, please email cav.consultations@justice.vic.gov.au.


The following public submissions were made (some submissions have been modified to protect privacy):

Download the options paper